Responsible Supplier Declarations

A Responsible Suppliers Declaration is a declaration of compliance with either the EESS and/or the ACMA schemes, made when registering on the database. Applicants can register solely for ACMA requirements, or both ACMA and EESS, or solely for EESS.

There are three types of Responsible Suppliers Declarations:

  1. Declaration of Conformance (EESS)
  2. Equipment Declarations (EESS)
  3. Declaration (ACMA)

Declaration of Conformance (EESS)

This type of declaration is applicable to Responsible Suppliers who wish to import or manufacture in-scope electrical equipment and is declaring that all electrical equipment that they supply is electrically safe and will continue to meet relevant standards and comply with the EESS. The EESS declaration automatically covers all Level 1 equipment a Responsible Supplier will be importing or manufacturing. A separate declaration will be required after this initial declaration is made for the registration of Level 2 and 3 equipment.

The Responsible Supplier Declaration covers all level 1 equipment you sell even if you have not listed them – you need to register the brand and “type” of equipment but do not need to register each model number (although you can voluntarily do so as this would be information that would be publically searchable and so valuable information for your buyers and the public). It also covers that you declare all cords, plugs and connectors supplied with all equipment have a current Certificate of Conformity (CoC) for Australia and New Zealand.

Equipment Declarations (EESS)

In addition to the Responsible Suppliers Declaration, Responsible Suppliers must also make Equipment Declarations for Level 2 and 3 equipment.

Equipment Declarations differ from the Responsible Suppliers Declaration in that they are equipment specific and are made when registering Level 2 and Level 3 equipment on the EESS Registration Database.

Equipment declarations state that the equipment being registered meets relevant standard/s.

Equipment declarations are made on the EESS Registration Database each time Level 2 or Level 3 equipment (or families of equipment) are registered.

Equipment declarations contain information such as:

  • The name, position and contact number of the person making the declaration;
  • For level 3 equipment, the certificate of conformity number;
  • For level 2 equipment, the physical location of the compliance folder.

Note: An Equipment Declaration can be completed by the Registered Responsible Supplier’s Authorised Representative.

Declaration (ACMA)

The National Database is also the single location to register for Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) compliance registration to meet the Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) labelling requirements. This declaration is independent of the EESS and not related to electrical safety matters.

This type of declaration is applicable to suppliers who wish to import or manufacture telecommunications, radio communications, electrical and electronic equipment under the requirements of the Australian Communication and Media Authority (ACMA). See for ACMA requirements and information.

This declaration does not require equipment registration and there are no fees for ACMA registration. Note: if you are registering for ACMA only and asked for fees, you have incorrectly selected EESS. In addition to registering on the database, suppliers must ensure that they comply with the requirements of the applicable ACMA Labelling Notice.