EESS platform FAQs

As we progress, we will continue to update this page with the most frequently asked questions.

For FAQs relating to EESS click here

FAQs about system

The technology the Certification and Registration databases sit on is well over 10 years old and its ability to support all our needs is limited. Users want an easier to use system and administration requirements have evolved. It is essential that we have a platform that meets all those needs. This will improve security, functionality and use-ability – for certification, registration processes and information sharing between regulators and industry.

Yes – The Certification and Registration databases will remain separate. However, with the EESS platform, the Certification and Registration application and dashboard processes will be overlaid with common features and look and feel, to provide a consistent and easier to use experience for all users.

No – Part of the common features overlay will enable a single log-on where you have both certification and registration applications or existing records to maintain.

The platform’s new look and feel will include clearer key steps in a process, so you will know where you are and what to do next. There will also be tips and other relevant information built directly into the system, providing contextual help for what you are doing at that point.

As a more modern system and for increased consistency, transparency, traceability and improved usability of a certificate, enhanced certificate details will be displayed on the EESS platform. To achieve this all certificates will require data in a particular format (and some additional data above what had previously been displayed, including nameplate and product examples). Certificate applicants will already have this additional data and information available in test reports or technical files required to obtain certification.

In the first release of the EESS platform, uploading information such as nameplate and product examples was optional and only performed by EESS Regulators issuing certificates. The second release enabled Third Party Certifiers to be able to upload this additional information for the benefit of certificate holders and responsible suppliers.

While this additional data such as nameplate and product examples will not be mandatory until December 2024, once a Third-Party Certifier is on-boarded onto the new EESS system they will be able to include this additional data. Note, all Third-Party certifiers will also need to be on-boarded by early December 2024.

Prior to December 2024, it will be up to the certificate applicants (or responsible suppliers who use their certificates) to decide if they wish to benefit from this improvement now to have a more complete set of data uploaded onto the EESS platform, and whether they choose to use a certifier who can provide this service earlier than end of 2024.

Requiring users to change their password on a regular basis is a key feature to ensuring security of your data. The 120 day cycle for password changes mentioned in the webinar is the software vendor’s frequency. This is being reviewed and ideally something more manageable will be implemented.

At this point the current release focuses on Equipment Certification to support Applicants and Consultants making applications. So only the existing public search of certificates and responsible suppliers will be available.

Subsequent releases will include features to enable industry bodies and others to utilise the platform to obtain more general data for analysis and reporting purposes. No private or commercial in confidence data or information will be made publicly available

Users must use their individual (company) email addresses to register. However, the platform provides notification management and a Dashboard (which provides clear visibility of application status) to help users to manage their applications. Future releases will look at further notification management such as additional email addresses.

The platform has been to set up to enable compliance with the uniform requirements of the Electrical Equipment Safety System (EESS). The platform will therefore have the equipment types, definitions and risk levels as listed in AS/NZS 4417.2.

Applicants can have as many users as they require

The platform has been developed to support the current legislative requirements. These legislative requirements are such that they do not require extensions of certificates to allow for sell through of equipment already at the retail level (even if the certificate has expired, subject to no identified safety issues). If the responsible supplier wants to continue to sell the equipment where the certificate has expired they need to obtain a new certificate to the latest safety standard.

When retrieved, all the data in the previous database associated with the certificates will come across into the new platform.

As an Applicant, operating with more than one ABN, you will need to set up 2 entities within the platform, each with their own ABN and contact details, if you intend to apply for certification via each entity. A person with a unique email address can only be linked to one entity.

If you are a Consultant, you will set up your company in the platform as a consultant. You will be able to apply for certification on behalf of multiple Applicant organisations, so long as that applicant organisation has invited you to be connected to their organisation.

Once the certification application has been submitted, you cannot edit that application. However, you can apply for a modification to ensure your certificate is updated and current.

There is currently no change in relation to access to Third Party Certifiers certificates. At this stage Third Party Certifiers will continue to upload certificate data in the same way they currently do.

The supplier and equipment registration processes remains unchanged. Until the supplier registration part of the platform is updated, Responsible suppliers will retrieve the Third Party Certifier certificate data to link to registering equipment in the same way they currently do.

EESS regulators are working with each Third Party Certifier to enable them to upload the new certificate data into the EESS platform and we will let you know when each one of them is able to do that.

Once the registration part of the platform is updated we will let you know of any changes as to how you access certificates to register equipment.

FAQs about process

No – The new platform will not affect the Electrical Equipment Safety System, the platform is a tool to support legislative requirements.

Yes and No – The fundamental requirements of each process will be similar. However, the intent is to improve the rigour of the platform and its useability. This means some process steps may be simplified while others may require more input.