The EESS Platform for Responsible Supplier & Equipment Registration and Equipment Certification is now available – see the login screen below

Relevant Standard

The relevant standard for certification is the standard as in force from time to time under the relevant AS or AS/NZS designation for the type as on the date when the equipment is certified (edition and amendments as applicable on the date of certification considering any transition dates in the standard, or otherwise as determined by the regulator or SCO Equipment Working Group). This applies to the ‘class specification’ as listed in AS/NZS 4417.2 or other standards as specified by the regulator or SCO Equipment Working Group.

The relevant standard for In-scope electrical equipment Level 1 is:

  • an Australian Standards (AS) or joint Australian Standards and New Zealand Standards (AS/NZS) that applies specifically to the equipment type together with AS/NZS 3820 (Essential safety requirements for electrical equipment) or,
  • if there is not a specific AS or AS/NZS standard that applies to the equipment type but there is an International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard that applies, then the IEC standard together with AS/NZS3820.
  • if there is no IEC standard then AS/NZS 3820 applies.

Note: AS/NZS 3820 also indicates that at times, one or more standards may apply to an item of equipment.

The relevant standard for In-scope electrical equipment Level 2 & Level 3 is a standard:

  • shown in the AS/NZS 4417.2 as the relevant standard that can be readily applied to the equipment type; or,
  • is accepted by the electrical safety regulator as a standard that can be readily applied to the equipment type and following a process outlined in the Equipment Safety Rules.

AS/NZS 4417.2 contains definitions for higher risk electrical equipment (Level 2 and 3) that will require registration and details the relevant standards that Level 2 and Level 3 type equipment are required to meet.

For a list of the In-scope electrical equipment definitions and relevant standard for Level 2 & Level 3, can be found here.

For more information, see Essential Safety Criteria.